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Health Services

Havasupai Elementary School

Havasupai Elementary School follows strict healthcare policies and procedures to ensure the health and safety of every student and visitor on its campus. Teachers closely monitor the condition of all students to provide timely responses and treatments to any school outbreaks or individual illnesses.

Medication Policy

Teachers are not permitted to administer necessary medications to students. Student medications should be turned into the office and dispensed by office staff.

Medications should be sent to Havasupai Elementary School in their original prescription container, and proper dosing instructions should be included. Students should not have any medication in their possession.

Crisis Support

Students who are experiencing turmoil or any health crisis or are in danger of harming themselves should contact a teacher, principal or staff member for assistance.

Communicable Disease Prevention

Havasupai Elementary School collaborates with Indian Health Services to develop guidelines to reduce the spread of communicable diseases in the school. If a student is believed to have a communicable or infectious disease, staff will immediately notify the principal or designee. The student will be evaluated at the nearest hospital, and the parent/guardian will be contacted immediately.

Indian Health Services or the appropriate medical personnel will determine if a student should be separated or isolated. The child will always remain with a staff member who will ensure the student is checked every 10 minutes until they are picked up. Parents/guardians will receive careful instructions and details about the disease (in writing), such as the nature of the disease, incubation periods, signs and symptoms, and how it is spread.

Return to School after Illness

If a student was taken out of school with a communicable or infectious disease, they must be medically cleared by a doctor’s note before returning to school. Havasupai Elementary School may also require a meeting with the student’s parent/guardian to discuss possible preventive or proactive academic service needs.

School Health Policies

An official website of the U.S. Department of the Interior

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